Make: Digital Devices 

 AGE: 13+ 

Why Digital Devices are important?

Look around you. There are smart lights which switch on when it is dark and switch off when it is bright,  security systems which can detect a break-in through the doors or which can detect the presence of a human being inside a room. Remote controlled devices like air-conditioners, TVs and even coloured lights where you can adjust the colour, the warmth and even the intensity of the lights.

Step outside your home and into your car. Cars where the doors open up with a remote, wipers start working the moment there is rain, headlights switch on when you enter the basement, airbags are armed only when there is a passenger in the seat, the volume of the car-audio increases with the speed of the car compensating for the increased running noise. Drive into a shopping mall where indicator lights will point out a vacant parking space. get details about a product by scanning its QR code, pay using your mobile phones on a contactless payment terminal and walk out of the mall through doors which open automatically, allowing you to comfortably hold all the goodies you just bought.

Drones flying around not just for wedding shoots, but also spraying vast fields of agricultural crops, identifying cracks in a concrete dam or transporting a live heart from a donor to an eagerly waiting patient.All this and more is made possible because of Digital Technologies - which go far beyond e-commerce web sites, e-mail, chat and web conferencing applications.

This new world is the world of "PHYSICAL COMPUTING" and we will help you make Digital Devices you never imagined or thought you will make, learn in an exciting and engaging environment where all learning material is always open and accessible to you at all times, interact with industry experts who are making the next generation of devices and cars and medical diagnostic and treatment systems.

Join this world. We will be with you and make this world a better place to live in ! 

What you will make

Smart Light
Automatically switch on the lights when it is dark and turn them off in the morning when it becomes bright.
This Project uses an Arduino UNO, an LDR, and a digital white LED.

Make a lamp that turns on and switches off just with a touch of your hand. There is power in your hands!
This Project uses an Arduino UNO, a Touch Sensor and a RGB LED.

Colour Mime
Sense colours in the RGB colour space and go on to replicate the very same colours.
This Project uses an Arduino UNO, a Colour Sensor and a chip-on-board RGB LED.

Who is there?
Find out if a burglar has entered your home after everyone has gone to sleep.
This Project uses an Arduino UNO, a Passive Infrared sensor, a RGB status light and an Active Buzzer.

Weather Station
Sense and display the temperature, humidity and the atmospheric pressure of your location.
This Project uses an Arduino UNO, Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensors and an OLED Display.

The Faithful Follower
Make a robot which follows all the twists and turns of a black line on the floor, just as a car hugs the road.
This Project uses an Arduino UNO, two Proximity sensors and DC motors.

I Hate Obstacles
Make a robot which can sense objects in its way and then navigate its way around them.
This Project uses an Arduino UNO, an Ultrasonic sensor and DC motors.

In a Heartbeat
How fast is your heart beating? Sense your heartbeat and see your heart rate on a digital display.
This Project uses an Arduino UNO, a Heartbeat Sensor and an OLED display.

What you will learn

You will learn various aspects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, which are translated into Digital components like Sensors and Responders. This understanding is important to ensure that not only can you make cool stuff but you can also explain how it works and hence what are its abilities and limitations. This understanding makes the difference between a Carpenter and a Designer. We are helping build a community of thinkers, designers and makers. 
We have 5 sense organs, they say - eyes, ears, tongue, nose and the skin. Incorrect. We also have the ability to sense speed, velocity, acceleration, tilt, electrical fields, magnetic fields, pH of the blood, amount of Carbohydrates consumed ... What you will learn is how our electronic Sensors work - touch sensors, light sensors, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure... How these sensors communicate using digital outputs and analogue outputs. 
Microprocessors are tiny computers. And we just love them. You will learn about the various parts of a microprocessor, power supplies, the processing chip, clock speeds, bit rates, EEPROMs, SRAMs, Flash Memory, input and output pins, serial communication... We won't do a deep dive into the internals of the microprocessor like a heart surgeon would do. We will learn enough to be able to make an optimum choice of microprocessors, based on the nature of the Project.  
You will learn the essentials of "Arduino Programming Language" which is basically an open source framework built on top of C++. You will learn about data structures, variables, functions and control structures. You will learn how to write a program called as a "Sketch" in Arduino lingo and how to exploit the power of pre-built libraries in your "Sketches". 
Make your Digital devices light up, display values and shake and move ! Responders enable you do all this based upon the code written by you on the Microprocessor. Single colour LEDs, RGB LEDs, Servo Motors, Motor Drivers and DC Motors, OLED Displays - you will learn them all. Various techniques like digital and analog writes, pulse width modulation, pulse frequency modulation will be used to define and alter the behaviour of our Responders. 
For the heart of the Projects, you will learn how to read friendly circuit diagrams, connect the sensors, microprocessor and Responders using breadboards and jumper wires. Further, you will also learn how to give a face and body to your Project by building creative structures using cardboard, wood and paper as a building material.  

Your Learning Environment

When you join the programme of Make:Digital Devices, you will get a comprehensive Kit which contains all the Sensors, Responders and a Microprocessor, along with all accessories - with a promise that they will work together, seamlessly. An engaging and interactive online platform along with 24x7 online support is, naturally, a part of the deal. And, you will also connect with Distinguished members of the Industry who are using these technologies to transform their industries. 

The Kit

Contains all the hardware, cables and accessories required for all the Projects. And a Creative Kit which allows you to showcase your projects in an aesthetic manner.

Online Learning Platform

Learning units embedded with rich media and organised in a simple intuitive forum. Social engagement utilities allow you to ask questions, share an idea and give feedback to your peers.

24x7 Online Support 

We are with you 24x7 to guide you, help you, troubleshoot an issue -essentially to make sure that you are successful. An online Learning Support Desk connects you to us.

Industry Connect

Meet Industry Leaders through live Webinars and Recorded Video Sessions, to understand how they are using technologies which you have learnt, the impact on their business and other interesting ideas. 

Unlock your child's potential with Our Innovative Digital Learning Programs for the Future at just Rs 18,000!

Frequently asked questions

1. What are the pre-requisites for this course?

We take you through everything - step by step, so you don't need to know anything about electronics, microprocessors or coding.You will, however, need to get your own:
- computer
- internet connection
- a google account  
More importantly, you need loads and loads of curiosity and creativity!

2. How much time will it take?

There are 12 structured projects and 12 Challenge Projects. We estimate that if you are investing 4 to 6 hours per week, it will take you about an year to complete. 

3. Can I only do the 8 Projects you have mentioned?

The English language has just 26 alphabets. Yet, you have millions of stories! What you are learning are the digital alphabets of tomorrow. The number of stories we can create is limited only by our sensitivities, our imagination and perseverance.

4. Will I be able to access my Projects after one year?

Of course. You have lifelong access to the site. There are no additional charges to be paid periodically. Nothing. So, learn at your own pace. And if you finish early, just grab the next Course - "Make: Connected Devices".

5. There is a different Project I want to do. Will you help me?

We have carefully structured the Course to ensure that your capabilities are being built up in a systematic manner. You may find that the Project you want to do is covered in the other two courses - Make: Connected Devices or Make: Smart Devices.
But, if you still want our help for a special Project, we will help you, as long as your Project is within the concepts covered in "Make: Digital Devices"

6. After say, one year, when I am done with the Projects, will you buy-back the kit?

You will see that several components, if not all, can be used in the other courses and can help you build projects which can be truly fascinating
So, we urge you to retain your kit and keep making awesome stuff. But, if you are just not interested in the "Digital Domain", we are working out how the under-served children can take advantage of low cost materials. We are thinking about it.
Watch this space for any developments in this regard.

7. I still have a question. What do I do?

We would love to hear from you - just contact us at, and we will respond within 24 hours
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